Saturday, April 25, 2009

Rainy days,Elvis movies and Soup...

Its has been raining cats and dogs today...(what a weird saying??)  I decided early on in the day that I would not be getting out of my PJ's till 3pm!
So my husband and son hung out together and made the odd visit into our bedroom to say hi and show me the playdoh creations they had made. I remained in bed snuggled under the quilt watching an Elvis Presley movie. 

It came time for lunch and my boys came into the room looking quite concerned at the fact that I wasnt getting out of bed and they might have to eat something out of a can.....Oh the terror!!
Just as well I always have a little something tasty in the freezer for such an occasion. So today we had Thai Spiced Pumpkin Soup  with a grilled cheese sandwich. Yummo!!

My favorite recipe for this soup is as follows

Its a rough measurement recipe but really foolproof.

Heat your oven to 180.c

1 smallish whole jap pumpkin ( or whatever pumpkin you like). Peeled and chopped rough
3 carrotts. Peeled and chopped rough
1 brown onion, peeled and chopped rough
3 cloves peeled garlic

Toss all of this into a mixing bowl and add enough olive oil to slightly coat ingredients.
Season with salt'n'pepper. Mix around and tip it out onto a lined roasting tray (might need 2 trays)

Roast the mixture off till pumpkin is a little bit softer.

Red Curry Paste
2 cans Coconut Cream
Vegetable Stock liquid or cubes
Fresh Corriander

In a large heavy based saucepan splash in a little olive oil and then gently fry off some Red Curry Paste ( you need to be the judge of how much spice you like). When the paste is starting to seperate a wee bit and sizzling add 2 cans of coconut cream and stir it thro to combine together. Turn your heat down to a simmer.

Add your roasted vegetables to the saucepan and then make up enough stock to give you a good soup consistency. Remember pumpkin really thickens up! 
Cook on a simmer till all the vegetables are soft enough to puree. You might need to adjust the stock and make it a bit thinner....better to add as its hard to thicken.

I use a bamix stabber to puree my soup while its still in the saucepan.

When its a great smooth consistency its ready. Check the seasoning and adjust.
I sometimes put in a tin of chickpeas or lentils after I have pureed. It gives it a nice texture.
Serve with freshly chopped corriander and crust bread.....mmmmmmm yummo.

Remember to slurp and wipe out the bowl with your bread. Its a respectful custom in some countries.
