To give you the heads up on my background, I have been working in the kitchens of many a restaurant now for 10yrs...self taught. Started scrubbing pots into the wee hours of the mornings while watching the great masters at work weaving their magic on the stove tops.
This environment was intoxicating, the smells,heat,tension and the odd crying waitress all blended together in the mixing bowl of the kitchen was way too much for me, I had to get in their and weave some magic too.
I convinced my head chef at the time to give this woman a go. He did and to my surprise I swam and kept my head above water.
The screaming waiters, the buzz of the docket machine out of control with another saturday night of excited and impatient customer orders and a chef bleeding from an insane knife wound all added to the romance. I had been bitten and it felt good!!!
I worked my around most cuisines and decided that I might give it a go setting up my own cafe.
This proved to be a very good decision and I set up two cafes with my husband. He so patiently supported my crazy enthusiasm and was a great business partner. I know we can survive anything life throws us now.
I sold our cafes in January this year after operating for 6 yrs thinking I would retire and lay low for a wee while.
Well I just cant! I need to cook, its my life!
I also want to stay at home and enjoy every moment with my nearly 2 yr old son.
So the best option was to cater for parties in my local area. Its only in skeleton stages but I already have 3 functions booked. Woo Hoo! To be paid for ones passion is a true blessing.
The birth of "Poppyseed Catering" has begun. My business cards are at the printers, menu design has started and I have had two official meetings with clients that have booked a function.
Ok this is the part where I scream.....aaarararararaggghhh. trust me its an excited scream!
I love cocktail party's.... the excitement of preparing morsels of pop in your mouth explosions gets me all warm and fuzzy inside.
Its a bit like that great movie "Like Water For Chocolate" when the woman prepares food with all her emotions and this magic is passed on to her guests.
I have had strangers come to me in the kitchen of the house I'm presenting the food to give me a kiss!
This is what I cook pass on and pay it forward.
So on this blog I will endeavor to share with you some great cocktail food recipe's