Tuesday, April 7, 2009

A picture tells a thousand words

Im truly lucky to have a most lovely friend in my life, who happens to be a rockin' photographer.
Claude and I set out to produce some enticing stylised food shots. He needed to update his portfolio and I was more then happy to help. So the photos you see on this blog are original and the handy work of Claude Raschella and myself.

The best part was eating the props!!

I used to be involved in the advertising industry as a photographers assistant and did many a food shoot. One of my favourite hobbies is collecting cookbooks. I love the photos. My personal belief is you should be able to taste the food before its in your mouth. Vision makes up most of our eating experience. Present your food in various ways, entice your taste buds...its gastronomical foreplay!! 

I was lucky to be asked from an advertising company a while back to cook and style a bacon product. The company wanted to change its packaging. Now when I go shopping and see in the deli department, a local brand of bacon with my photo on it!! Weird.

So next time you flick through a food magazine or a cookbook try some of the presentation ideas on your dinner guests.

P.S  the kiddies love it when you jazz up a dinner plate. Veggies in a little dipping bowl, sandwiches cut into shapes, baked spud in an egg cup....let your imagination run wild.

I will post more yummy pictures soon.

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