Thursday, March 26, 2009

Functions are booked

Well business is taking off!   I now have three booked functions and one pending. Two 40th birthday party's and a weekend retreat for midwifes and guest speakers. I'm very excited about this.

My business cards and letterhead artwork is looking great. I will post this up on the blog when I get it back from the printers. A wee hiccup on the printing of the cards but it should be fixed in the next week. I have a meeting next week with a potential client who is getting married.
I do love a wedding... 

On the home front my wee angel Jackman is a trick, he is so funny and makes me laugh a lot. Today I introduced him to baked pretzels (not homemade but I'm working on it...)  I asked him if he was enjoying it and he turned around, looking up at me and replied " mmmm not bad"
I nearly fell over laughing much to his delight. He is only 21 mths old!!!

Tonight I made the best organic Roasted Chicken, the secret is to squish a stick of butter up between the skin on the breasts. I usually roll this stick in chopped garlic,thyme,oregano and lemon zest first. (about 100gm sticks) on each breast.
Then olive oil the chicken skin and smother in sweet paprika,salt and pepper. Usual rule of thumb is for every 500gms of raw chicken you need to cook for 30mins on 200 degrees. I don't make stuffing, I just put in the carcass, the lemon you used to zest, a few whole unpeeled garlic cloves and 1/2 brown onion.

Well tonight I have to print up my menu. Will post this on the blog soon. Better be prepared for the meeting on Monday. 

Remember to always live in the now and lick the bowl...

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